Interactive Resources
Noun Activity – Key Stage 2
A nice tutorial explaining the types of nouns. Also a straightforward game involving a monster. There is a quiz, which may not load on all machines.
Adjectives Activity – Key Stage 2
An nice explanation of different types of adjectives. A quiz and a game (may not load on all devices).
Nouns and Adjectives Game – Key Stage 2 and revision for Key Stage 3
A game to sort nouns and adjectives in a creepy style game. Some people may find the game quite slow to play as it requires a good level of mouse skill.
Grammar and Syntax – Key Stage 2
A fun game with some spooky music with various English questions to answer to progress. There are various levels of difficulty to try.
Plural Nouns – skiing game to spot the correct spellings of plural nouns
Punctuation game – splat the board with the right punctuation.
Simple conjunction game – click the bubble with the right conjunction for the sentence.
Parts of a sentence – identify different parts of a sentence.
You can select your age group and difficulty but many words are quite simple. There are three different games:
Spell well – the game lets you hear and see a word and you replicate it. Good for those who are not confident with spelling.
Beat the bell – a multiple choice game. You might want to make it harder by choosing a higher age than your own.
Wicked words – this is more challenging as you have to correct the spelling of a word. The words given are a bit more difficult.
Story Writing – Key Stage 2
This animation gives you some prompts for writing your own story and describing it briefly in 60 seconds. Once you have done this, have a go at turning it into a full story.
Create or modify a story – Key Stage 2
You can use this to create your own story with pictures and characters, you can modify a current story or add elements to a part created story.
Read a story and then change the verbs and adverbs to make it more interesting.
Conjunction – Key Stage 2
An easy to play game where you choose the correct conjunction for a sentence.
A game against the clock to identify all the antonyms. You need to know what antonyms are before you play.
An activity to choose the right prefix or suffix for a word. Easy to play.
A list of idioms. You can click on them to find out the meaning. Turn it into an activity by picking eight and writing down what you think they mean then clicking to check.
You can choose the category you want to do the quiz on.
Punctuation Game – Key Stage 2
A game to choose the right punctuation for a sentence and fire a paint shot.
Similes and Metaphors
Year 5/6 Reading activity
Antartica reading comprehension text
Reading Booklets for SATS papers
KS2 2014 Reading Booklet – The Humble Potato, Weird but wonderful… The Octopus, White Fang